How can I explore the origin of my personal patterns?

Exploring the origins and patterns of your attachment style involves delving into your past experiences, relationships, and family dynamics to gain a deeper understanding of how your attachment tendencies developed. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to explore origins and patterns:

  1. Self-Reflection: Take time for introspection and self-reflection. Set aside a quiet and comfortable space where you can think, write, or journal about your early memories, significant relationships, and how you felt in those experiences.

  2. Early Childhood Experiences: Reflect on your early childhood experiences and interactions with primary caregivers (parents, guardians). Consider how they responded to your needs, emotions, and bids for closeness. Were they consistently available and responsive, or were there times of emotional unavailability?

  3. Family Dynamics: Explore the dynamics within your family of origin. How were emotions expressed and dealt with in your family? Did you observe healthy communication, conflict resolution, and emotional expression, or was there a pattern of avoidance, conflict, or emotional suppression?

  4. Attachment Figures: Identify significant attachment figures in your life, such as parents, siblings, and close relatives. Reflect on how you connected with them, whether you felt secure and valued, and how those relationships influenced your sense of trust and emotional safety.

  5. Recurring Themes: Recognize any recurring themes or patterns in your relationships. Do you notice a tendency to distance yourself emotionally or avoid emotional vulnerability? Are there specific triggers or situations that elicit these patterns?

  6. Life Transitions: Consider how major life transitions or events (e.g., moves, separations, losses) may have impacted your attachment style. These transitions can shape your attachment responses and coping mechanisms.

  7. Therapeutic Support: If exploring your origins and patterns becomes emotionally challenging or overwhelming, consider seeking the guidance of a trained therapist. A therapist can provide a safe and supportive space to navigate these explorations and offer insights.

  8. Connect the Dots: Reflect on how your early experiences and family dynamics may have contributed to the development of your current attachment style. For example, if you had caregivers who were inconsistent in their responsiveness, you might have developed an avoidant attachment style as a way to protect yourself from potential emotional pain.

  9. Journaling and Processing: Write down your insights, observations, and feelings as you explore your origins and patterns. Journaling can help you organize your thoughts, track your progress, and gain clarity on the connections between your past and present.

  10. Practice Self-Compassion: Throughout this process, practice self-compassion and kindness toward yourself. Remember that understanding your origins and patterns is a step toward growth and healing, and it's natural to have a mix of positive and challenging realizations.

By exploring your origins and patterns, you can gain valuable insights into your attachment style and the ways it may impact your relationships. This self-awareness is a crucial step toward making positive changes and developing healthier attachment dynamics.

Muslim Life in America - interview by The Muslim Skeptic

Muslim Life in America - interview by The Muslim Skeptic

American Mysticism

Embark on a rich interfaith discussion with Chris Garner, an old time friend, intellectual companion and interfaith lecturer. Chris and I share stories and challenge ideas about religion and attaining mature spirituality. What is the future of the faithful in America, especially Muslims? Why he thinks the core issues of humanity is greed and violence and what role does God consciousness play in our future society.

Pledge a coffee today!

First 15 min:
What is wisdom?
Pitfalls of youth on the path.
Being a true servant of God.

Unseen realms.
Grace and insignificance.
Making meaning of human questions.
Reaching our full potential.
Cycles of violence and greed in society.
Muslims and white nationalists.

What is the true religion?
The Golden rule.
Can we remove evil?
Perspectives on the story of Adam.
Terrorism in America.

Holding Hot Coals

Daniel Haqiqatjou AKA the Muslim Skeptic joins me to discuss his concerns and drive to address the Liberal storm swooping American society. Specifically its impact on American Muslim traditions, Islamic intellectual legacy and the future of Muslim faith. I got to ask him questions like:
"What is a Muslim Skeptic?" 
"What is dogmatic Liberalism?" 
"Why are some liberal ideas a concern for future Muslim communities?" 
"How can Islam be rational if Muslims believe in things like the devil, angels and a hereafter?"

References and Resources…he-american-jew/…-us-from-within/

Anas bin Malik (radi Allahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “There shall come upon the people a time in which the one who is steadfast upon his religion will be like the one holding onto a burning ember.” (Hasan) [Chapters on Al-Fitan: Jami At-Tirmidhi; Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2260]